Flayderman's Guide to Antique American Firearms and Their Values

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Over 450,000 copies sold and in circulation! Here's why: Identification: Over 4,000 antique American firearm models and variants extensively described with all marks and specifications necessary for quick identification. Values: Over 4,000 individually priced firearms. Full information on how to assess values based on demand, rarity and conditions. Illustrations: Over 1,700 large scale photographs accompany model descriptions for convenient identification. Quick Reference: An easily-understood organization, a standardized numbering system, extensive cross referencing and a comprehensive index all aid in making this book a must reference for every gun enthusiast. Firearms History: Histories of the makers with dates and locations of manufacture and quantities manufactured. Trends in Collecting: A review of the ever-changing collecting and buying patterns which have resulted in a volatile present-day collecting market.

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